Well, after posting that last message about Isabella Snow's contest, I took a good hard look at this blog and decided I needed to make some changes. First of all, I've really outgrown the dark, moody look. Secondly, although "A Sliver of a Moon" was named after the moon's phase when I was born, it really didn't suit me. I sometimes wonder if the reason I didn't post much here was because it didn't really feel like my personal space.
So ... I've created a whole brand-new blog! I've imported all of the posts from here, come up with a new look, and named it after my favourite poem by Shelley.
Please set your bookmarks to Daughter of Earth and Water, and leave me a comment over there to let me know what you think!
(I will be deleting this blog before too long...)
Saturday, September 26, 2009
On the move ...
Posted by Rowan Brooks at
11:27 PM
This place could use some sprucing up.
Could yours? Isabella Snow is having a blog makeover contest. Here are the details, straight from her blog.
September's Blogbunnie Blog Makeover Contest!
Rules for Isabella Snow's September blog makeover contest! Entering is easy! Just copy and paste this (entire) blurb to your blog (make sure the links still work!) and then email Isabella a link to your blog post. The contest deadline is at midnight GMT September 30. One winner will be selected the following day by a drawing of names; the name will be posted here and the winner will be emailed, as well. A new, totally original blog will be completed within two weeks of winning. One entry per blog. *Blogger.com customization only*, see the Blogbunnie Blog Design portfolio for layout options.
Good luck!
xx Isabella
And good luck from me, too!
Posted by Rowan Brooks at
12:47 PM
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Music is everywhere.
I saw this on Facebook a few minutes ago. So beautiful in its simplicity.
Birds on the Wires from Jarbas Agnelli on Vimeo.
Posted by Rowan Brooks at
12:45 PM
Friday, September 18, 2009
New Moon, New Beginning
Today I began something new. Each morning and evening, I will set aside some "quiet time" to focus on my devotions. Since discovering The Celtic Devotional way back in April, I have been meaning to make it a part of my daily life.
Well, today was Day One. Not only do I read the morning and evening devotions aloud, but I'm keeping a journal as well. Each morning, I write down the almanac details for the day (Celtic tree month, moon's phase, sign, and void of course, et cetera), and then during my "quiet time", I journal my responses to the meditation questions in the book. At the end of the day, I also write in three things for which I am grateful, and if there's room (and I have one I've found), I finish off the day's journal entry with a meaningful quotation.
Taking the time to focus on my spirituality is important to me. I am much happier when I feel connected with the Creator and the Earth. There is a reason they call it "grounded." I am certain that is why I feel so calm when I "talk" with the trees. Feeling their energy in my hands and feeling my energy channel through them deep down into the Earth is a sense of serenity I can barely describe. I need to do it more often.
Just like I need to make my devotions a daily habit. Here's hoping it sticks.
Posted by Rowan Brooks at
9:17 PM
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Sharing this with you.
I have recently stumbled across the blog of an artist whose work makes me absolutely pulse with joy. Her name is Jennifer MacNeill-Traylor, and her site is called Gypsy Mare Studios.
Her artwork often combines two of my favourite themes: horses and "all things witchy!" It's incredible.
Having looked at her work, I felt compelled to share. Maybe you will, too.
Posted by Rowan Brooks at
1:13 PM
Labels: Artists
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Celtic Tree Month of Vine
* 10th Moon of the Celtic Year - (Sept 2 - Sept 29)
* Latin name: Grape - vitis
* Celtic name: Muin (pronounced: muhn).
* Folk or Common names: Grape (when dried: Raisin).
* Parts Used: Berries, wood, leaves, juice, seeds.
* Herbal usage: The leaves from some varieties of Grape can be used to make teas for treating diarrhea, hepititas, and upset tummies. Grape leaves can also be used externally for poultices to treat rheumatism, headaches and fevers. The fruit from most viney plants can be eaten and can be juiced for drinking. The juices can also be fermented into various wines and alcoholic beverages.
* Magical History & Associations: Grapes are an herb of Jupiter and the Moon, and are associated with positive ego strength. Birds associated with the month of the Vine are the Tit-mouse and the white swan; the animal is the snake; the color is variegated; and the gemstone is amethyst.
An annual Grape Vine Festival called the Vinalia Rostica was held by the Greeks and the Romans - this was a festival of thanksgiving for the first of the grape harvest and was dedicated to God Dionysos / Bacchus and to the Goddess Venus of the Grape Vine; and also to Minerva. It was celebrated by offering the first fruits of the grape harvest and prayers for sustenance for all.
The Grape Vine is also sacred to the deities Osiris, Hathor, and Demeter - and its five-pointed leaves are sacred to the Goddess in general. Other specific deities associated with the Vine are Rhea, Oenone, Aphrodite, Branwen, Guinevere and Etain. The wood of Vines is one of the nine traditional firewoods to be added to the Belfire that is burned at Beltane - as the tree of tree of joy (its juice is capable of altering consciousness), Vine is added to the fire as a celebration of joy.
* Magickal usage: Vines in general are symbols of both joy and wrath. This month marks the vintage season when the Grape crop is harvested and so is a good time to do any and all rituals associated with the harvest - in fact, the Autumn Equinox (called Harvest Home or Mabon) is celebrated during this month.
The month of Vine is also a good time to do magick associated with inspiration, imagination, poetry and imagery. The Grape has applications in magick done for Faerie work, garden magick, joy, exhilaration, wrath, mental powers, rebirth, happiness, fertility, inspiration, prosperity, and binding. The leaves and fruit from Vines can be used in spells to overcome inferiority complexes and to enhance ambition.
The Grape Vine also symbolizes resurrection because its strength is preserved in the wine, that magical elixir that's known for its ability to dissolve the boundaries between us, allow us to mingle more easily, and relax with others.
Grapes and Grape wine are often used to symbolize vitality, since tonic healing has always been related to the vine. Here is a recipe for Vine Moon Tea (good for use in Earth magic, sex magic, overcoming difficulties):
1 part blackberry
1 part dandelion
splash of currant wine or Grape juice
pinch of hibiscus
Grapes can be used in many types of prosperity or money attraction spells. They can be eaten as part of prosperity spellwork if the person casting the spell visualizes money energy vibrating as the grapes are eaten. You can also place grapes on the altar during money spells.
Pictures of Grapes or grape Vines can be painted onto garden walls to ensure the garden's fertility, as was done in ancient Rome. Eating grapes or raisins is said to increase fertility, as well as strengthen mental powers. Grape leaves can be dried and carried in a small pouch or bag to act as evil-repellent.
(from Sarah Nunn, aka Sarah the Swamp Witch. Grape Vine Botanical Plate from "De Historia Stirpium" by Leonard Fuchs 1543)
Posted by Rowan Brooks at
9:21 AM
Labels: Celtic tree months
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Pagan Blog Registry Project
I just stumbled across Pagan Blog Registry Project and I'm so excited that I had to pass it along as soon as possible.The PBRP is a "personal attempt to list the active, current pagan blogs and podcasts [found] around the pagan net." Personally, I think it's a wonderful idea. It's like that bumper sticker: There are more of us than you think. But finding us isn't always so easy! :)
Check it out, and if you have a pagan blog, ask them to list you.
Posted by Rowan Brooks at
5:10 PM
Monday, August 17, 2009
Sweet Harvest
My neighbours hate my front lawn. They've never said anything about it, but I know that the fact that it's let to run wild makes them a little crazy. But oh, it's so worth it when I can get so many wonderful fresh blueberries for my breakfast!
I had to cut back the hawthorn bush this morning, too. I think it bit the mailman last week, since there was a nice little handwritten note on our mail: "Please trim greenery around path to mailbox." Well, given that it bit me four times this morning, I can certainly understand his request. I felt badly cutting it, but leaving it there to harm the mailman was not an option.
I might take the blueberries and make some muffins for my love. They're his favourite.
Posted by Rowan Brooks at
9:13 AM
Labels: plants